Refurbished cabinet
It was just not fitting in..

It was very fashionable during the 50's and 60's to apply a very dark shellac to Imbuia especially. Imagine the customers surprise when that dark Dresser showed a stunning colour and grain after it was stripped. It was given to them by a family member that now wants it back...
This solid Burmese Teak Cupboard was used in a boarding school somewhere the rumour goes. Thank you Vernit Holder for designing that stencil to improve on the existing one. Just wish I knew what The A. B. M. is or was or should be...
An older but not antique display cabinet had to undergo a revamp to fit in with the new couches and tiles on the floor that will be arriving soon...
We had to change the look and purpose of this Oak cabinet. Added glass to the top section for display purposes while the bottom can still be used for storage.
Most people have or had a grandparent that tried their hand at painting a piece of furniture...
It happens sometimes that someone knows that it could be better than it currently is. Those people come to Giupetto and Son Restorers.
Got a call to pick up this Oregon chest of drawers in the mountains outside Stellenbosch, in the most beautiful part of the Wine lands.