This chair was made in Namaqualand by the customer's great grandfather and repaired in various interesting ways over the years. Those repairs are the lines on a persons face. It shows proudly that life happened and added a story in the life of a chair.
Genuine rawhide riempies put into this rather old stool.
This Morris chair had seen better days and after a very unsuccessful revamp (rather not brush on tinted varnish if you don't know what your doing) found its way to the workshop. Yellowwood was mixed with Oak and the tinted varnish was supposed to hide the fact.
Thank You Anton Greeff & Giupetto and Son Restorers for restoring my granny's riempie stoeltjie and giving it new life!
Yellowwood farm bench has been in the family for a while and suffered terribly at the hands of time, trespass and the lack of tenderness. Looking well looked after and ready to serve for another 100 years.
It turned out as I expected. It has a place in the lounge now not in the shed...
The feeding chair has been used over 3 generations and something got added in each generation.
Seat needed to have new riempies fitted to ensure the guests stayed firmly seated during the meal.