Rebuilt and refurbished chairs
When you get 5 chairs in state of disassembly but you know they could look wonderful again...
When you get 5 chairs in state of disassembly but you know they could look wonderful again...
Veneered tables do not like the sun and rain. Table was sealed properly with a Duco for years of future gatherings around the braai....
Outside table made in solid Beech was too badly stained by water to strip back to the natural colour. ...
A couple of years ago this table was painted for a new look. We stripped the new look and took it back to what it should be....
I almost begged the customer to let me restore this Imbuia bench. It was such a satisfying job. We applied a matt exterior finish to contrast the upholstery that will be done at a later stage.
We repaired this swing bench that had too good a Christmas celebration before the New years celebration.
This solid Burmese Teak Cupboard was used in a boarding school somewhere the rumour goes. Thank you Vernit Holder for designing that stencil to improve on the existing one. Just wish I knew what The A. B. M. is or was or should be...
This Oak roll top desk had a couple of repairs and was stripped to raw wood and sealed with a matt finish to give a slightly more modern look.