Occasional tables
Got 2 occasional tables in dire need of restoration....
Thank You Anton Greeff & Giupetto and Son Restorers for restoring my granny's riempie stoeltjie and giving it new life!
This toolbox was made in early 1900's as the toolbox to use during the tradesman's apprenticeship. Well done for a first manufacture!
Most people have or had a grandparent that tried their hand at painting a piece of furniture...
This was dropped off at my workshop by a beautiful blond lady with a huge frown. She was very specific about what it should look like. I took some time to quote because I wasn't too sure about what it could look like. Happy client and ecstatic me. Thank you Elvis Bebe from Misting SA for some amazing welding that was done to spec....
Yellowwood farm bench has been in the family for a while and suffered terribly at the hands of time, trespass and the lack of tenderness. Looking well looked after and ready to serve for another 100 years.
Was told to make this look better. Stinkwood chest that got some weird treatment over the years.