Wood Cabinet
It happens sometimes that someone knows that it could be better than it currently is. Those people come to Giupetto and Son Restorers.

It happens sometimes that someone knows that it could be better than it currently is. Those people come to Giupetto and Son Restorers.
Birthing chair and ply wood occasional table in desperate need of some care.
This Oregon bench was bought from a missionary station. This old lady is going to be great fun to redo. We will be using Nylon riempies as it is still regularly used and each seat has a very long span.
Looks as if someone tried something that didn't quite work. That watermark on this nesting table turned out to be a challenge. Nice Teak stool needing some new riempies and a clean up . As good as it could be taking into consideration that it was painted and that the wood has dried out a great deal....
Late 1800 tea trolley that needed some cleaning up and a "new" wheel to make a better impression...
Embuia can look really sad if it got some sun and lots of Mr Min. Luckily we know some stuff to yank it back into the living room....
It turned out as I expected. It has a place in the lounge now not in the shed...
A very special thank you to Anton Greeff and his incredibly dedicated and passionate team at Giupetto and Son for the restoration of a treasured family heirloom. Their patience and determination to "get it right" was exceptional. Thank you Anton for going the extra mile.- Kevin Brown...