Antique kitchen scale
Antique kitchen scale got some water after half the house got flooded and we removed the rust and restored it back to original. The dial has marks on it that won't be removed...
Antique kitchen scale got some water after half the house got flooded and we removed the rust and restored it back to original. The dial has marks on it that won't be removed...
This little Teak stool comes out of Volkskas bank years ago. It was screwed into the ground. Appears even back then anything not screwed down was for the taking.
This African Mahogany table was red and wouldn't have suited the new tiles of the new house. My instruction was to make it lighter and brown. The coffee table got the same treatment. ...
Re-glue, riempies and good oils to make it look well cared for.
Willemien baie dankie vir die geleentheid om aan daardie tafel te werk. Ek was moerse tevrede nadat ons hom klaar gerestoreer het maar soveel meer toe ek sien hoe gelukkig jy lyk toe ons dit aflewer....
This chair was made in Namaqualand by the customer's great grandfather and repaired in various interesting ways over the years. Those repairs are the lines on a persons face. It shows proudly that life happened and added a story in the life of a chair.
Steering wheels from a fishing trawler almost 150 years old have been cleaned up and will be proudly displayed in the customers lounge.
Victorian extendable round table looking well loved after some TLC.
Antique platform rocker (typical steampunk) of late 1800's got a much needed restoration. The upholstery will be done by Swemmer upholstery.